About Big John's PFI Store Seattle

About Us

About Big John's PFI Seattle

John "Big John" began PFI out of the back of his car–selling imported olives and feta cheese to Greek restaurants. As a product of Seattle's "Garlic Gulch" neighborhood, he soon added Italian products to his assortment of specialty food products.

Before long, there was such a great demand from the public for Big John's products that he began to open once a week to satisfy retail customers. Every Saturday customers would line up outside the shop and be waited on by the Croce family.

Today, Big John's PFI is in the SODO / International district of Seattle and continues to act as a place for people around the area to find specialty food products to enjoy.

See Our Store Featured on King5

About Big John's PFI Seattle


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Big John's Events
Big John's PFI Events

Seattle Store Location
Store Location

Contact Us At
(206) 324-6670

Store Hours:
Monday - Saturday 10am - 6pm
Sunday 11am - 4pm

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1608 S Dearborn St Seattle, WA 98144 | Call: (206) 324-6670
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